Comment classer les adjectifs en anglais


In English, adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. When using multiple adjectives to describe a noun, there is a specific order in which they should be placed. Understanding how to classify adjectives in English is essential for effective communication and proper grammar. In this article, we will explore the rules for classifying adjectives in English and provide examples to illustrate these rules.

Types of Adjectives

There are several types of adjectives in English, including descriptive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, possessive adjectives, and more. Each type serves a different purpose in describing nouns.

– Descriptive adjectives: These adjectives describe the qualities or characteristics of a noun. For example, « beautiful, » « smart, » « tall. »

– Demonstrative adjectives: These adjectives indicate which noun is being referred to. For example, « this, » « that, » « these, » « those. »

– Possessive adjectives: These adjectives show ownership or possession. For example, « my, » « your, » « his, » « her, » « our, » « their. »

Order of Adjectives

When multiple adjectives are used to describe a noun, they should be placed in a specific order. The general order of adjectives in English is as follows:

1. Opinion
2. Size
3. Age
4. Shape
5. Color
6. Origin
7. Material
8. Purpose

For example, « a beautiful small old round red Italian leather handbag. »


There are some exceptions to the order of adjectives. Certain adjectives may be placed before others depending on the context or emphasis. For example, « a lovely little house » instead of « a little lovely house. »

It’s important to be aware of these exceptions and use them appropriately in your writing and speech.


To better understand how to classify adjectives in English, it’s essential to practice using them in sentences. Try creating sentences with multiple adjectives and make sure they are placed in the correct order. This will help reinforce your understanding and improve your language skills.

In conclusion, understanding how to classify adjectives in English is essential for clear and effective communication. By following the rules and order of adjectives, you can accurately describe nouns and convey your intended meaning. Remember to practice and keep improving your skills to enhance your language proficiency.